Sunday, March 15, 2009

36 week update

("Happy 36 weeks" roses that Kris sent to me at work)

I had my 36 week check up last week on Wed. At that time, I was 1 cm dilated but the doctor said the my cervix was still pretty thick. (1 cm isn't much, but hey I will take what I can get!) They also said that Grayden weighed about 6lbs. We go back each week from now on until Grayden decides to make his appearance. My next visit will be Wed. March 18th. Hopefully I will have progressed a little more! 

It took us so long to get pregnant, I can't believe that it is all almost over. Other than the all day sickness in the beginning of my pregnancy and the occasion bouts of sickness now, the sleepless nights (which shall continue from what I hear), and as of late the swollen hands and feet I really can't complain about my pregnancy. Kris has played a major role in how well my pregnancy has gone, as he has treated me like a queen the entire time. He pretty much catered to my every want and need and never complained. I couldn't ask for a better husband and father! 

The feeling of a baby growing inside of me has been unreal and is something I will never forget. I would endure it all (and more) over again in a heartbeat! Though I am ready to see little Grayden, I have to admit I will miss being pregnant.

We are finally finished with Grayden's room. Now, all we need is the little man himself. Here are some pictures of the room. 


The Bognar Family said...

Looks like all that room needs is Grayden! Best of luck to you during your delivery... enjoy every moment (even the painful ones) - it will fly by!

Barb (MOM) said...

Dearest Niki & Kris,
Not much longer till your great little family will be even more complete! Thanks for all the pictures & updates so we could follow all the progress, and share the fun, along the way to meeting our much-anticipated new addition to the family, little Grayden!Niki, you are a beeeeautiful mommy-to-be, if I do say so myself! The picture in the pink top is adorable, & I love the last one (with your hands on your tummy) too. His room looks so cute-can't wait to see him in it!!! Kris, you are awesome--such a supportive makes us so happy & we know you'll be a great daddy too! See ya soon (YEAH!!!!)-KEEP US UPDATED! :-) Love,Mom & Jeff xoxox ps-love & hugs to Lexie-girl, too :-)